XVPCA network of air quality stations#

The Xarxa de Vigilància i Previsió de la Contaminació Atmosfèrica (XVPCA) is a system for detecting the immission levels of the main pollutants.

A measurement point is understood to be that point in the territory where the sampling and analysis equipment for atmospheric pollutants, whether manual or automatic, is located.

Available variables#

The following variables are available on the platform:

  • Carbon monoxide (CO), in µg/m3.

  • Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in µg/m3.

  • Sulphur dioxide (SO2), in µg/m3.

  • Ozone (O3), in µg/m3.

  • Particulate Matter < 10µm (PM10), in µg/m3.

The availability of the variables varies from season to season.

Temporal resolution#

The platform can display the last 24 hours of data in hourly intervals.

Update frequency#

Data is updated in real time, approximately every hour.


The colour of the station icon indicates the exceedance of one of the thresholds defined in the configuration section.

When no data is available for the station, the icon is greyed out.

Sulphur dioxide measurements

Data sources#

Open data provided by the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya is used.