Ligthning strikes from the Nowcast network#

In the platform two visualisation modes are possible:

Real-time (moving window)#

In this mode, the lightning strikes can be visualised following a moving window schema of 6 min, following SMC’s radar.

In each of the 6-min intervals, the lightning strikes detected in that interval and the 30 minutes before are displayed using an orange dot with a yellow halo, but with a different level of opacity. Older lightning strikes are shown with a more transparent background.

This visualisation is used in the following products:

  • Rainfall accumulation 6 min (SMC Radar)

  • Rainfall accumulation 30 min (SMC Radar)

Daily intervals#

In this mode, all lightning strikes detected during each natural day are displayed. The style used is the same as the real-time mode, but without the opacity changes.

This visualisation is used in the following products:

  • Daily rainfall accumulation (SMC Radar)


Lightnings detected in daily intervals