Storm cells nowcasting#
The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) developed a nowcasting tool that detects potentially dangerous convective phenomenon using radar data. The algorithm is using weather radar data as input for detecting convective cells and cluster of cells. Detected convective phenomenon are considered as objects and classified into one of several danger categories. Objects are then extrapolated to give a forecast which captures the uncertainty in the future location.
Available information#
The detected storm cell location is provided together with the probability of future location.
Temporal resolution#
The product match the temporal resolution of Met Éireann radar data, that is ** 5 minutes**.
Update frequency#
The forecast is updated every 5 minutes as well.
Data sources#
Radar data is provided by Met Éireann.
Rossi, P.J., 2015: Object-Oriented Analysis and Nowcasting of Convective Storms in Finland, PhD thesis, Aalto University, Finaland [`document <https://>`_].