Coastal Observations - Commissioners of Irish Lights#

The Commissioners of Irish Lights is the body that serves as the general lighthouse authority for Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and their adjacent seas and islands.

Available variables#

The following variables are available on the platform:

  • Buoys:
    • Significant Wave height, in m - Average height of the highest one-third of waves in a given wave group or sea state.

    • Wind gust speed, in km/h - A sudden and temporary increase in wind speed that is significantly higher than the prevailing or average wind speed.

    • Wind gust direction, in degrees (º) - Direction from which the wind is approaching.

    • Wind speed, in km/h - Measure of the typical wind velocity in a particular location over a specific period of time.

    • Wind direction, in degrees (º) - Direction from which the wind is approaching.

    • Surface wind speed, in km/h.

    • Water temperature, in ºC - Temperature of the water at the surface of the sea/ocean.

Temporal resolution#

The platform can display the last 24 hours of data in 3 minute intervals.

Update frequency#

Data is updated in real time, approximately every 5 minutes.


The colour of the station icon indicates the exceedance of one of the thresholds defined in the configuration section.

When no data is available for the station, the icon is greyed out.

Irish Lights buoys

Data sources#

Data obtained through an API.