Hydraulic Public Domain#
The (Hydraulic Public Domain) is made up of the beds of natural streams, continuous or discontinuous, and the beds of lakes, lagoons and surface reservoirs, in public watercourses.
Its existence responds to the need to guarantee protection for water resources and their ecosystem. The defence of this common good and its use is regulated by the Water Law.
Hydraulic Public Domain of Catalonia#
The Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ACA) has drawn up a proposal for the zonification of the fluvial space of the main hydrographic network of the river basin district of Catalonia. In this respect, the ACA currently has the delimitation of flood zones for 2,000 km of significant river courses.
This includes the delimitation of the Hydraulic Public Domain and its associated easements, as well as a proposal for the preferential flow zone and flood zone.
Data sources#
Georeferenced data obtained through the download portal of the ACA, using the WFS protocol.
Credits: Agència Catalana de l’Aigua
Last update on the platform: October 2020.