European Drought Observatory (EDO)#
The European drought observatory (EDO) is a service run by the EC’s Joint Research Centre. The EDO pages contain drought-relevant information such as maps of indicators derived from different data sources (e.g., precipitation measurements, satellite measurements, modelled soil moisture content).
Temporal and spatial resolution#
Data is visualized on ten-day periods with a spatial resolution of about 10km for scales smaller than 1:750000, while cells of 5 km are displayed when zoomed into detail, at scales larger than 1:750000.
Update frequency#
The data is updated following a ten-day period.
Available variables#
The following variables are available on the platform:
Combined Drought Indicator#
Combined Drought Indicator based on SPI, soil moisture and fAPAR, to identify areas with potential to suffer agricultural drought, areas where the vegetation is already affected by drought conditions, and areas in recovery process to normal conditions after a drought episode.
The method is based in 5 impact levels. These levels are:
Watch when a relevant precipitation shortage is observed.
Warning when this precipitation shortage comes with a soil moisture anomaly.
Alert when these two conditions are accompanied with an anomaly in the vegetation condition.
Partial recovery when after a drought episode, the meteorological conditions are recovered to normal but not the vegetation conditions.
Full recovery when meteorological and vegetation normal conditions are recovered.
Soil Moisture Index (SMI)#
Soil Moisture Archive as LISFLOOD modelled top Soil Moisture Index (SMI) for 10-day periods.
Soil Moisture Anomaly (SMA)#
The SMA indicator is derived from anomalies of estimated daily soil moisture (or soil water) content - represented as standardized soil moisture index (SMI) - which is produced by the JRC’s LISFLOOD hydrological model (de Roo et al. 2000), and which has been shown to be effective for drought detection purposes (Laguardia and Niemeyer, 2008).
Useful links#
Data sources#
Data provided by EDO through the WMS protocol.