Railroad network#

The Transport Network is a linear network of national coverage defined and published in accordance with the INSPIRE Directive.

It is composed of five transport modes:

  • Road network (which includes the highway network, urban network and paths).

  • Rail transport network.

  • Inland waterway transport network.

  • Air transport network.

  • Cable transport network.

It has been carried out on the basis of the integration of data from products of the IGN and sources from the General State Administration and the Administrations of certain Autonomous Communities: Comunitat Valenciana, Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Comunidad Foral de Navarra and Eusko Jaurlaritza/Basque Government.


Railroad network

Data sources#

Obtained through a map server provided by the IGN, using the Web Map Service protocol (WMS).

Credits: CC BY 4.0 scne.es