Rain warnings#

The rain warnings product cross-references rainfall forecast values with IDF (Intensity-Duration-Frequency) tables to provide forecasts in terms of return period.

These warnings are useful for generating alerts on vulnerable elements that are affected by drainage capacity exceedance problems.


The algorithm used for the calculation has been developed by the Centre de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia (CRAHI) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

SMC Radar - Rain warnings#

Warnings generated using the radar network of the Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (SMC).

Temporal resolution#

The last 6 hours of observed data and 2 hours of forecasted data can be explored, with a time step of 6 minutes.

The units are return periods (years).

Update frequency#

Data are updated in real time. A new forecast is run each time a new radar image is acquired, approximately every 6 minutes.

Data sources#

The SMC radar network is used.

AEMET Radar - Rain warnings#

Warnings generated using the radar network of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET).

Temporal resolution#

The last 6 hours of observed data and 2 hours of forecasted data can be explored, with a time step of 10 minutes.

The units are return periods (years).

Update frequency#

Data are updated in real time. A new forecast is run each time a new radar image is acquired, approximately every 10 minutes.

Data sources#

The AEMET radar network is used.

Met Éireann Radar - Rain warnings#

Warnings generated using the radar network of Met Éireann.

Temporal resolution#

The last 6 hours of observed data and 2 hours of forecasted data can be explored, with a time step of 5 minutes.

The units are return periods (years).

Update frequency#

Data are updated in real time. A new forecast is run each time a new radar image is acquired, approximately every 5 minutes.

Data sources#

The Met Éireann radar network is used.