Tide Predictions - Marine Institute (MI)#
Tide predictions have been derived from harmonic analysis of data measured at the tide gauges around the Irish coast (Irish National Tide Gauge Network Real Time Data). There are also predictions for a limited set of locations based on data obtained from the Marine Institute Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS) model (Ocean Forecasts). The tide predictions calculate the water level due to tidal forcing for a particular period in time, measured at the tide gauges around the Irish coast for 35 different locations. Storm surge due to atmospheric pressure and wind effects is not accounted for in these predictions.
Available variables#
The following variables are available on the platform:
Water level, in m.
Temporal resolution#
The platform can display the forecast for the next 6 days in 5 minute intervals.
Update frequency#
Data is updated daily.
The colour of the station icon indicates the exceedance of one of the thresholds defined in the configuration section.
When no data is available for the station, the icon is greyed out.

Useful links#
Data sources#
Data obtained through an API.