Flood Early Warning System (FEWS)#
The Delft FEWS system is used by Met Éireann to schedule the hydrological models for all the relevant hydrometric areas and combine the model outputs to assist flood forecasting on a national and catchment scale.
Near Real-time discharge and forecast discharge is displayed, with key thresholds.
Available variables#
The following variables are available on the platform:
Measured discharge, in m3/s.
Forecasted discharge with Deterministic Harmonie forecast, in m3/s.
Forecasted discharge with Deterministic ECMWF forecast, in m3/s.
Temporal resolution#
The platform can display the last 24 hours of data in 15 minute intervals.
The Harmonie forecast extends to 54 hours.
The ECMWF forecast extends to 120 hours.
Update frequency#
Data is updated in real time, approximately every 15 minutes.
The colour of the station icon indicates the exceedance of one of the thresholds defined in the configuration section.
When no data is available for the station, the icon is greyed out.
Useful links#
Data sources#
Data provided directly by the client.