What is ARGOS?#
In a nutshell#
ARGOS is an early warning system for the monitoring and management of weather-induced emergencies.
A complete service#
Decision-making during the monitoring and management of meteorological emergencies involves a great deal of responsibility and requires all the information available at all times. Time is a key factor and therefore it is of vital importance to optimise all the processes involved in the management of the information.
ARGOS provides a complete service focused on this end, addressing the following points:
Single access: Usually real-time data is needed from multiple providers (meteorological services, water sector agencies, municipalities…) and of different natures (point measurements from sensors, weather forecasts in whole regions…) and typically has to be consulted through several web pages simultaneously. The proposed system is presented as a single access to the different data sources with a simple and homogeneous presentation (units, colour codes…).
Dynamic combination of information: The system makes it possible to dynamically cross-reference real-time hazard data with vulnerability information specific to the territory. This gives an idea of the impact of the meteorological phenomenon on the population and infrastructure. Without processing the information and automating the process, it is very difficult to have this information quickly.
Access to source data: The system prioritises access to source data in addition to representations such as maps or aggregations. It is important in order to present the information in a simple form adapted to the required use.
Adaptation and incorporation of existing information: Previous studies and compilations, especially in the field of vulnerability, are often not exploited in day-to-day management. The system allows for the incorporation of this information in a local adaptation process.
ARGOS has been developed at HYDS (Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions, S.L.). HYDS is a company founded in 2007 as a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). It specialises in technological solutions in meteorology and hydrology, particularly for the use of real-time data. HYDS has worked and continues to work for both administrations (city councils, civil protection…) and private companies in sectors such as tourism or water management. It is also actively involved in several European research and development and innovation projects.
The origin of ARGOS can be traced back to the participation in the ANYWHERE project of the European H2020 programme. The ANYWHERE project (Enhancing emergency management and response to extreme weather and climate events; http://anywhere-h2020.eu), funded by the European Commission with more than 11 M€, was implemented between 2016 and 2019 by 31 partners from 11 different countries. Partners included universities, research centres, technology companies and civil protection departments from different administrations. They all worked to design, develop and test decision support tools for meteorological emergencies. HYDS participated in all parts of the project and led the working group for the technological integration of different impact models into a common pan-European platform of which implementations were made for Catalonia (CECAT - Centre de Coordinació Operativa de Catalunya) and CENEM (Centro Nacional de Seguimiento y Coordinación de Emergencias). Such implementations are the precedents of the ARGOS system.